Who is Laser Treatment Suitable for?
Who is Laser Treatment Suitable for?

 People who may be suitable for Laser Treatment can be summarized as follows.
 People who are over 18 years of age and have a low degree of myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism.
 People who are over 21 years of age and have a high degree of myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism.
 People with Sufficient Corneal Thickness.
 Persons whose spectacle number has not increased much within one year prior to the date the treatment is considered.
 Those who do not have eye diseases such as Carcoconus, Eye Pressure.
 Those who do not have systemic diseases such as advanced diabetes, rheumatism.
 Those who are not pregnant and breastfeeding.
A decision should be made after a detailed physician screening for the process.

Created Date : 31.07.2022
Updated Date : 06.05.2023
Editor : Yeliz Yiğit
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